Bruno Angelucci
Research: Esperimento NA62/CERN
Thesis: Trigger for rare kaon decays searches at the CERN NA62 experiment
Supervisor: M. Sozzi
Federico Bertolucci
Research: Esperimento ATLAS/CERN
Thesis: Measurement of the diboson pp->WW+WZ production cross section and limits on the anomalous triple gauge couplings at \sqrt s=7TeV with the ATLAS detector in the semileptonic decay channe
Supervisor: C. Roda
Nicola Carmignani
Thesis: Touschek lifetime studies and optimization of the ESRF: present and upgraded lattice
Supervisor: F. Cervelli
Tharayil Thomas John
Thesis: Spectroscopy and laser emission from materials doped with rare-earth
Supervisor: M. Tonelli
Edoardo Rognini
Thesis: Diffusione e levitazione radiativa in modelli stellari di piccola massa
Supervisor: S. Degl'Innocenti
Francesco Tenchini
Research: Esperimento MEG/PSI
Thesis: Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in the MEG Experiment and its Upgrade
Supervisor: A. Baldini
Marco Tinivella
Research: Esperimento FERMI
Thesis: Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in the MEG Experiment and its Upgrade
Supervisor: R. Bellazzini
Room: 132
Phone no: 050 2214205