Josè M. Gonzalez Castro

I finished my master degree in Computational and applied physics 2 years ago in a joint programme between Polytechnic University of Catalonia and University of Barcelona. During this period I took many courses on numerical methods for simulation and analysis, complexity theory. The topic of the thesis was on numerical models for hemodyalisis.
After this period, I have been working two years as an optical engineer in a cinema company called Servicevision. The company is known as a rental house and for development of stabilized heads, but some years ago Servicevision created the optics department to develop a set of anamorphic lenses to shoot films.
PhD Theses
Noise from stray light in interferometric gravitational wave detectors PhD Thesis
19.06.2018, (Relatore: Prof. F.Fidecaro).
Noise from stray light in interferometric gravitational wave detectors Presentation
Numerical models in hemodialysis Presentation