Gianantonio Pezzullo

Short description of my activities:
In October 2011 I started my Master degree's (Laurea magistrale) project within the Mu2e Pisa group and under the advising of Prof. Franco Cervelli. In January 2012 I moved to Fermilab where I have been for six months.
My work during this period was focused on the developing of the calorimeter simulations within the Mu2e framework using experimental results and also integrating the detectors informations.
From November 2012 I am a PhD student at the University of Pisa and since then I am working together with the Mu2e calorimeter group for developing the calorimeter simulation and also for performing R&D studies to suppress the Mu2e background.
PhD Theses
The Mu2e crystal calorimeter and improvements in the PhD Thesis
10.03.2016, (Relatore: Prof. F.Cervelli).
The E.M. calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab: a tool to improve the background suppression Presentation