Roberto Dionisio

I was born in Trani (Puglia) in 1997. I obtained my high school diploma from Liceo Scientifico Valdemaro Vecchi. Afterward, I moved to Pisa, where I completed both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. For my Master's in Theoretical Physics, I was supervised by Prof. Massimo d'Elia and Dr. Francesco Sanfilippo. My thesis was titled: “Phenomenology and Chiral Properties of Strong Interactions: the $\ell_7$ Low Energy Constant via Lattice QCD Simulations,” where we achieved the first lattice direct determination of $\ell_7 with staggered fermions, by means of Monte Carlo simulations. I am focused on studying non-perturbative aspects of Quantum Field Theories, with a particular emphasis on Quantum Chromodynamics using numerical Monte Carlo simulations, which require High-Performance Computing resources. Eventually, I would also like to explore potential applications of Quantum Computing to this research area.