
Matheus Rodrigues Medeiros Silva

Degree: UEL/Brazil (2019)
Research: Theoretical Cosmology
Thesis: A novel framework for the light-cone perturbations
Supervisor: Giovanni Marozzi
Room: 169 Ed. C


I was born in SÃo Paulo (Brazil) in 1994. I got my Physics degree at UNESP/Brazil, where I developed research in Materials Science with FAPESP scholarship (Supervisioned by Ph.D. Carlos J. L. Constantino). I obtained my Master degree at UEL/Brazil, where I developed research in Theoretical Physics/Cosmology. I applied the Geodesic Light Cone (GLC) coordinates to the calculation of drift (i.e change in time) of both astrophysical and cosmological observables, respectively the drift of the direction of observation (parallax and aberration) and the redshift drift. These observables are related with a new sub-field of Cosmology, dub as Real-Time Cosmology. During my Master degree I was supervised by Ph.D. Thiago dos Santos Pereira. I am currently working in Theoretical Cosmology under supervision of Ph.D. Giovanni Marozzi. My major interests are GLC coordinates, Real-Time Cosmology, Large Scale Structure and Inflation.

PhD Theses


Silva, Matheus Rodrigues Medeiros

A novel framework for the light-cone perturbations PhD Thesis

10.02.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Giovanni Marozzi and Dr. Giuseppe Fanizza).




Silva, Matheus Rodrigues Medeiros

Perturbing the light-cone: a new cosmological perturbation theory Presentation




Silva, Matheus Rodrigues Medeiros

Why the sky is blue? An Effective Field Theory approach to the Rayleigh scattering Presentation



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