Nunziato Sorrentino

I was born in Torre del Greco (Naples) in 1993. I moved to Genova where I attended the scientific High School (Liceo Scientifico) “L. Da Vinci”. In 2016 I obtained my Bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Genova and then I moved to the University of Pisa, where I obtained my Master degree in Physics (2019). I have always been interested in Astronomy and Astrophysics and during my educational path I was fascinated by high-energy Astrophysics and Gravitational Waves and thus I decided to commit myself to this research. I worked on simulation of high energy phenomena involving the X-ray polarimetric emission from pulsars, establishing their observability during the next observation plan of IXPE, the next-generation X-ray polarimetry-sensitive telescope. I then changed my main focus, working inside the LIGO/Virgo collaboration on the characterization of detectors for gravitational waves and studying signals coming from continuous gravitational waves emitters, such as non-axisymmetric, rapidly rotating neutron stars. My additional interests are playing guitar and make improvisation theatre performances.
PhD Theses
Searching for gravitational waves from binary close encounters: a deep learning analysis approach PhD Thesis
17.05.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Massimiliano Razzano).
Definition(s) and debate about entropy Presentation