Giuseppe Clemente

I was born in Palermo on March 1993, where I got my scientific high-school diploma and my conservatory diploma in piano.
In 2012 I moved to Pisa, where I got both my bachelor's and master's degrees (cum laude). In my master Thesis “New directions for Causal Dynamical Triangulations“, supervised by prof. Massimo D'Elia, I investigated algorithmic and physical topics in the framework of Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), a numerical approach to quantum gravity whose purpose is the non-perturbative renormalization of the Einstein-Hilbert theory in the asymptotic safety scenario via Monte-Carlo simulations; my contributions to this field are on one hand the development of a new algorithm to cure some slow modes in the simulations, on the other hand the introduction of new techniques of analysis based on the spectral properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on sampled configurations, which allow to define observables describing geometries at all scales, lacking in the foregoing CDT literature.
I am interested on every aspect of the “Quantum Gravity Problem”, and for this reason decided to estabilish the Comparative Quantum Gravity Group, made up of master and PhD students, where we weekly discuss various topics from different approaches, critically interrelating them (group's blog).
On my spare time I also impart piano lessons and practice mountain biking.
PhD Theses
Spectral Methods in Causal Dynamical PhD Thesis
16.02.2021, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
Spectral Methods in Causal Dynamical Triangulations Presentation
Self-organized criticality in nature Presentation