Giulia Pagano

I was born in 1993 and I have attended the “liceo scientifico statale Amedeo di Savoia duca d'Aosta”, in Pistoia. I've moved to Pisa for univeristy, where I've obtained my Bachelor's degree in Physics (2015) and my Master's degree in Theoretical Physics (2017). The title of my thesis is “Extra polarisations of relic gravitational waves from a Brans-Dicke theory with axion-gauge dynamics”: it was aimed at developing predictions for non-standard polarisations in the stochastic background of gravitational waves from an alternative theory of gravity, primarly by means of quantum field theory. In my spare time I also love travelling, painting and listening to music.
PhD Theses
Software and theoretical methods for gravitational-wave data analysis PhD Thesis
16.03.2021, (Relatore: Prof. W.Del Pozzo).
Compact binary coalescences under the microscope: data analysis tools for the present and for the future Presentation
Stochastic processes from physics to finance: a hierarchical-model approach to the financial market Presentation