Giulia Tuci

I was born in Livorno and I grew up in Monsummano Terme, a small town near Pistoia. I attended Liceo Scientifico C.Salutati in Montecatini Terme, where I graduated in 2012. I studied Physics at the University of Pisa and I obtained my Master degree in 2017, choosing the Fundamental Interactions curriculum and performing my thesis within the LHCb collaboration. In 2015 I participated to the DESY Summer Student Programme, performing a small analysis with Fermi-LAT data.
Outside of university I like playing clarinet and trekking.
PhD Theses
Searching for confirmation of charm CP violation in K0 S final states at LHCb PhD Thesis
12.04.2021, (Relatore: Prof. G.Punzi).
CP violation in charm decays at LHCb Presentation
Search for dark matter with the DarkSide-50 experiment Presentation