
Francesco Di Renzo

Research: Studio di un fondo stocastico di onde gravitazionali
Thesis: Characterisation and mitigation of non-stationary noise in advanced gravitational wave detectors
Supervisor: Giancarlo Cella


I was born in Pisa, where I attended schools and where I obtained both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics from the University of Pisa. My studies have concerned Fundamental Interactions, focussing in particular on Particle Physics in the beginning and moving later to General Relativity. Currently my research interests are Gravitational Waves, from both a theoretical and experimental point of view, Alternative Theories of Gravity and experimental tests of General Relativity. In December 2015 I defended my Master's Thesis about the detectability of a Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves with non-standard polarizations, different from those predicted by Einstein's theory, with Dr. Cella as supervisor. I carry on my research activity in collaboration with the Stochastic and Non-standard GR groups within the Virgo and LIGO Scientific Collaborations.
For my PhD project, I aim at carrying on my work on non-standard polarizations and starting the data analysis of the recent Advanced LIGO science runs and the upcoming joint Advanced Virgo ones.
I like teaching and in 2016 (two semesters) I've been a teaching assistant of Physics at the Department of Pharmacy. I also deal with scientific divulgation, for which I collaborated with astrophile groups and held lectures in schools and for the general public.
In the free time, I like playing music and writing, mainly sci-fi short stories for some blogs and contests.

PhD Theses


Renzo, Francesco Di

Characterisation and mitigation of non-stationary noise in advanced gravitational wave detectors PhD Thesis

26.06.2020, (Relatori: Prof. F.Fidecaro – Dott. G.Cella).




Renzo, Francesco Di

Characterization and mitigation of non-stationary noise in Advanced gravitational wave detectors Presentation




Renzo, Francesco Di

Genetic Algorithms applications to optimisation problems in Physics: mirror coatings in advanced interferometric detectors of gravitational waves Presentation



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