
Laura Zani

Degree: Pisa (2016)
Research: Flavour physics (BaBar/SLAC, BelleII/KEK)
Thesis: Search for an invisible Z' in mu+mu- + missing energy events at Belle II
Supervisor: Francesco Forti
Room: 139
Phone no: 050 2214372


I was born in Brescia in January 1992. I started my University studies in Pisa where I achieved the Bachelor Degree in Physics in 2014 and the Master Degree in October 2016.
During my Master Degree I focused on high energy physics studies and mainly on particle physics. I won a scholarship for the SLAC/INFN Exchange Program and I spent a term (July-September 2015) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, in Menlo Park (California).
For my Master Thesis I concentrated on the b flavor physics at electron-positron colliders, studying rare baryonic decays of the neutral B mesons produced from the Upsilon(4S) decays. I performed the whole analysis for the measurement of the branching fraction of the baryonic decay mode B0(Bbar0) → p p anti-p anti-p at the BaBar experiment and its future prospects at Belle II experiment. Besides my analysis project, during my thesis I worked with the Pisa Silicon Vertex Detector group of the Belle II collaboration, involved in the production (assembling and electrical testing) of the backward and forward modules – which exploit the Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector  (DSSD) technology – for the outer layers of the vertex detector of the Belle II experiment, at KEK, in Japan.
At present, I am a member of the SVD group of Belle II and I am still working on BaBar analyses. I really appreciated experiencing both detector assembling challanges and data analysis and my next plans are to keep on working on both sides.

PhD Theses


Zani, Laura

Search for an invisible Z’ in mu+mu- + missing energy events at Belle II PhD Thesis

24.01.2020, (Relatore: Prof. F.Forti).




Zani, Laura

Search for invisibly decaying dark photons at Belle II Presentation




Zani, Laura

The graphene revolution and graphene-based radiation detector Presentation



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