Jacopo Nespolo

Degree: Pisa (2012)
Research: Comportamento critico di gas quantistici
Thesis: Scaling behaviour of quantum systems at thermal and quantum phase transitions
Supervisor: E. Vicari
Room: 168
Phone no: 050 2214897
Research topics: critical phenomena, phase transitions, numerical simulation
Publications: http://arxiv.org/find/cond-mat/1/au:+Nespolo_J/0/1/0/all/0/1
I am currently studying finite temperature quantum phase transitions in Bose gases. These are examined both in homogeneous conditions and under the effect of a trapping potential. I use Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and numerical analyses to verify theoretical predictions.
PhD Theses
Scaling behaviour of quantum systems at thermal and quantum phase transitions PhD Thesis
21.12.2015, (Relatore: Prof.Ettore Vicari).
Critical scaling of quantum systems at phase transitions Presentation