
Foteini Faidra Trantou

Degree: National Technical University (Athens), 2022
Supervisor: Francesco Forti
Room: 142, Ed. C

I was born in Athens (Greece) in 1993. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in “Natural Sciences” (2018) at the Hellenic Open University in Patras (Greece). During my undergraduate studies, I carried out an Erasmus+ traineeship at the University of Torino (Italy) where I worked at the CMS (LHC) experiment under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Argirò. Subsequently, I pursued a master’s degree in “Physics and Technological Applications” at the National Technical University of Athens, in collaboration with the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Greece). In my master thesis, I worked as a graduate student researcher at CERN supervised by Prof. Theodoros Geralis. In detail, I contributed to the ATLAS (LHC) Muon Spectrometer upgrade (New Small Wheel). My master thesis was focused on the study of the NSW trigger system, with the aim of validating the operation of the NSW trigger electronics and data readout process, under simulated and real-time trigger conditions. My main scientific interests lie in the sector of experimental particle physics, particularly in the field of high energy physics.