
Ruben Forti

Degree: Pisa (2023)
Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Bianchini
Room: 200 Ed. C

I was born in Florence in 1999. My interest in physics began at the age of ten, but my genuine passion for particle physics burst in 2014 after an inspiring visit to CERN. After receiving my scientific diploma, I enrolled in the Physics program at the University of Pisa, where I completed my bachelor's degree in 2021. I completed my MSc studies in October 2023, specializing in the “Fundamental Interactions” curriculum. For my master's thesis, I became part of the CMS collaboration, joining the group committed to the precise measurement of the W boson mass. In particular, my focus was on assessing muon reconstruction efficiencies in the experiment, with a specific emphasis on the evaluation of the systematics associated with background subtraction in these measurements. In my forthcoming PhD journey, my primary objective is to refine these studies and to contribute to the CMS experiment's ongoing measure of the W boson mass. My core research interests lie in precise measurements in particle physics, focusing on comprehending the systematic effects affecting them.

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