
Joachim Pomper

Degree: Graz (2023)
Supervisor: Prof. Massimo D'Elia
Room: 170 Ed. C

I was born 1997 in Graz, Austria. After high-school and civil-service I studied physics at the Technical University of Graz. During that time I also developed a strong interest in abstract mathematics and visited additional courses in this direction. My physics bachelor degree I finished (2020) with a bachelor seminar paper on the Onsager solution for the two-dimensional Ising model via the use of Grassmann variables. During my last bachelor year (2019) I worked part-time in the renewable energy industry. However, I decided to participate in a joined physics master program at the Karl-Franzens University and the Technical University of Graz, in order to learn about quantum field theory and general relativity. My favourite courses have been the open topic seminar projects, which allowed me to study topics like static black holes, the functional renormalization group for fermions and particle creation in an expanding universe. I finished my degree (2023) with a masters thesis on strongly interaction dark matter from (pseudo-)real QCD-like theories in the so-called SIMP regime. During my time as a student I had the chance to participate in teaching at the university as a teaching student assistant. Although I enjoyed tutoring at the black board a lot, the highlight was the preparation of lecture materials for a course (2021) on the use of differential forms in electromagnetism. For my PhD I accepted a position at the Università di Pisa (2023), where I will work on theoretical methods for detecting new physics signals. I am particularly interested in non-perturbative aspects of quantum theories.

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