
Khloud Haddad

Degree: Roma (2021)
Supervisor: Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bisogni
Room: 142 Ed. C

I was born in Aleppo ( Syria), at  Damascus University I recieved  my B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and physics with Major in Solid State Physics and Electronics and then my Laurea triennale(B.SC) by the science faculty at Tor Vergata University Rome , Italy .Studying my Master in Rome opened for me the door to go deeper in knowledge and to have wider overview in applied and theoretical physics as well and be in touch with the latest information I recieved Masters in Physics for instrumentation and technology – major in medical physics University of Rome Tor Vergata (2021). I started my research activities   by my master thesis which has been done in the field of medical physics at the IFO research institute of Rome.and particulary on the CT Dosimetry and minimizing the dose which recieved by the patient without effecting the quality of the Ct picture. Now I am a PhD at  the course of Physical methodologies of precision diagnostics for biomedicine or the environment).(Metodologie fisiche di diagnostica di precisione per la biomedicina o l'ambinete).

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