Annachiara Albanese
I was born in Potenza in 1996. I obtained both my Bachelor Degree in Physics (2018) and my Master degree in Condensed Matter Physics (2020) at the University of Pisa. In my Master Thesis work, supervised by prof. Dario Pisignano and dr. Andrea Camposeo, I realized for the first time hybrid polymer fibers incorporating hexagonal boron nitride, in order to create waveguides suitable to channel single-photon emission. I am interested in nanoscience, with particular attention to properties, strengths and applications of polymer nanofibers. My research will focus on the study of these nanostructured materials in different fields of application.
PhD Theses
Nanofibers for photonics: photoactive networks and molecular photoswitches PhD Thesis
14.06.2024, (Relatori: Dr.ssa Luana Persano (CNR NANO), Dr. Andrea Camposeo (CNR NANO)).
Nanofibers for photonics: networks of photoactive nanofibers for interconnected light sources and molecular photoswitches Presentation
Advance in brain imaging Presentation