Marco Anderlini
Research: Fisica della materia
Thesis: Rb photoionization and Rb-Cs collisions at ultralow temperatures
Supervisor: E. Arimondo
Iacopo Bernardini
Research: Fisica delle particelle elementari (CMS/CERN)
Thesis: Higgs search in the channel H-->WW-->LVJJ with the CMS detector
Supervisor: G. Tonelli
Francesca Bucci
Research: Fisica delle particelle elementari (BABAR/SLAC)
Thesis: Study of B to X_S gamma with a fully inclusive technique at BABAR
Supervisor: M. Giorgi
Francesco Cornacchia
Research: Fisica della materia
Thesis: New materials for laser applications: teory and experiments
Supervisor: M. Tonelli
Alberto Franzoso
Research: Fisica astroparticellare (AMS)
Thesis: Study of the performance in space environment of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the AMS experiment
Supervisor: F. Cervelli
Roberto Grena
Research: Fisica teorica
Thesis: Almost superconformal vacua and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory
Supervisor: K. Konishi
Pietro Parruccini
Research: Fisica teorica
Thesis: Critical properties of multiparameter hamiltonians
Supervisor: P. Rossi
Stefano Sanguinetti
Research: Fisica della materia
Thesis: Atomic parity violation in heavy alkalis: detection by simulated emission for cesium and traps for cold francium
Supervisor: P. Minguzzi