Controlled manipulation of excitations for Rydberg Atomtronics PhD Thesis
26.02.2025, (Relatori: Prof. Davide Rossini, Prof. Luigi Amico).
Analysis of extended sources with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) PhD Thesis
24.02.2025, (Relatore: Prof. Luca Baldini).
The X17 search with the MEG II apparatus PhD Thesis
18.02.2025, (Relatrice: Prof.ssa Angela Papa).
AI-driven anatomical patient modelling from PET data for enhanced adaptive charged particle therapy PhD Thesis
27.01.2025, (Relatori: Prof. Giancarlo Sportelli e Dr.ssa Aafke Christine Kraan).
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in round-trip and dissipation protocols PhD Thesis
17.01.2025, (Relatore: Prof. Ettore Vicari).
Turbulence and Heating in Astrophysical Collisionless Plasmas PhD Thesis
27.09.2024, (Relatori: Prof. Francesco Califano (UniPi), Dr. Fouad Sahraoui (CNRS)).
The Magnetopause: a quasi-tangential interface between the magnetosphere and the magnetosheath PhD Thesis
13.09.2024, (Relatori: Prof. Francesco Califano, Prof. Laurence Rezeau).
Bootstrap methods in quantum field theories PhD Thesis
23.07.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Vichi).
Inverse Problems and non-equilibrium properties of Strong Interactions PhD Thesis
27.06.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Massimo D'Elia).
Dark Matter Phenomenology Across Scales: From Ultralight to WIMPs PhD Thesis
21.06.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Paolo Panci).
Nanofibers for photonics: photoactive networks and molecular photoswitches PhD Thesis
14.06.2024, (Relatori: Dr.ssa Luana Persano (CNR NANO), Dr. Andrea Camposeo (CNR NANO)).
Bootstrapping Effective Field Theories PhD Thesis
10.06.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Vichi).
Bayesian non-parametric methods for gravitational-wave astrophysics PhD Thesis
21.05.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Walter Del Pozzo).
Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency with the Run-2/3 data in the Muon experiment at Fermilab PhD Thesis
15.03.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Graziano Venanzoni).
Characterizing glitches in high-energy pulsars. A Bayesian approach to pulsar timing PhD Thesis
08.03.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Massimiliano Razzano).
Symmetries in Metric-Affine Gravity: when Cartan meets Weyl PhD Thesis
06.03.2024, (Relatore: Dr. Omar Zanusso).
Interplay between local and global symmetries in critical lattice systems with matter fields PhD Thesis
05.03.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Ettore Vicari).
Echoes from the Early Universe PhD Thesis
20.02.2024, (Relatore: Prof. Marozzi).
Implementation and optimization of explainable and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the analysis of radiological images PhD Thesis
09.02.2024, (Relatori: Prof.ssa Maria Evelina Fantacci, Prof. Emanuele Neri).
Kinetic plasma simulations of Mercury’s magnetosphere to prepare BepiColombo PhD Thesis
19.12.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Francesco Califano).
Modelling of ballistic transport in nanodevices made of 2D materials heterostructures PhD Thesis
28.11.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone).
Large-scale structure of the Universe in General Relativity and beyond PhD Thesis
18.09.2023, (Relatori: Prof. Giovanni Marozzi, Prof. Giovanni Montani e Dott. Giuseppe Fanizza).
Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency at the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab PhD Thesis
02.09.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Marco Incagli).
Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers for Temperature Measurement in Hydrogen Combustors PhD Thesis
02.09.2023, (Relatore: Prof.ssa Donatella Ciampini).
Phononic and photonic metasurfaces for optomechanical applications PhD Thesis
25.07.2023, (Relatore: Dr. Alessandro Pitanti).
Techniques of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the study of brain connectivity: applications and development at Ultra-High Field PhD Thesis
17.07.2023, (Relatore: Prof.ssa Michela Tosetti).
Plastic surface pattern in compressed amorphous films PhD Thesis
29.06.2023, (Relatori: Prof. Dino Leporini, Dott. Francesco Puosi).
Optimisation of CO2 laser-based aberration control in Advanced Virgo + PhD Thesis
29.06.2023, (Relatori: Prof. Francesco Fidecaro, Prof.ssa Viviana Fafone, Dott.ssa Maddalena Mantovani).
Electric and thermal properties of Josephson devices and Applications PhD Thesis
22.06.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Francesco Giazotto).
The Air-breathing Electric Rocket PhD Thesis
31.05.2023, (Relatori: Prof. Francesco Califano, Dott. Tommaso Andreussi).
Modelling of quantum transport in devices based on heterostructures of two-dimensionalmaterials PhD Thesis
24.05.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone).
QCD properties in strong background magnetic fields PhD Thesis
23.05.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Massimo D’Elia).
Searching for gravitational waves from binary close encounters: a deep learning analysis approach PhD Thesis
17.05.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Massimiliano Razzano).
Kinetic scale turbulence in collisionless magnetized plasmas: statistics, energy transfer and coherent structures PhD Thesis
10.05.2023, (Relatori: Prof. Giovanni Lapenta, Prof. Francesco Califano).
Verso l’eccitazione laser-wakefield risonante con un treno di impulsi generato da una maschera di ritardo / Toward resonant laser-wakefield excitation of a pulse train generated by a delay mask PhD Thesis
13.03.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Leonida Antonio Gizzi).
Feasibility study of the MUonE experiment PhD Thesis
27.02.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Graziano Venanzoni).
Beam Dynamics corrections in the measurement of the anomalous precession frequency at the Muon g − 2 experiment at Fermilab PhD Thesis
15.02.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Graziano Venanzoni).
A novel framework for the light-cone perturbations PhD Thesis
10.02.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Giovanni Marozzi and Dr. Giuseppe Fanizza).
Non-linear aspects and backreaction in cosmological inflation PhD Thesis
31.01.2023, (Relatore: Prof. Giovanni Marozzi).
A near BPS analysis for the Skyrme model PhD Thesis
23.08.2022, (Relatore: Prof. Stefano Bolognesi).
Investigation of Graphene-MoS2Heterostructures in a Multiple Field-Effect Transistor Architecture PhD Thesis
26.05.2022, (Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci).
Aspects of Confinement in QCD and QCD-like Theories PhD Thesis
24.02.2022, (Relatore: Prof. Massimo D’elia).
Aspects of Confinement in QCD and QCD-like Theories PhD Thesis
24.02.2022, (Relatore: Prof. M. D’Elia).
Dark Matter and gauge dynamics PhD Thesis
16.02.2022, (Relatore: Prof. A. Strumia).
Black Hole Spectroscopy: from a mathematical problem to an observational reality PhD Thesis
03.01.2022, (Relatore: Prof. W. del Pozzo).
Investigation of Graphene-MoS2Heterostructures in a Multiple Field-Effect Transistor Architecture PhD Thesis
03.01.2022, (Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci).
Magnetic configurations, reconnection and energy transfers in space plasmas PhD Thesis
13.10.2021, (Relatori: Dr. L. Benoit – Prof. F. Califano).
Detecting and investigating magnetic reconnection in space PhD Thesis
23.09.2021, (Relatore: Prof. F. Califano).
Analysis of Tyre Rolling Noise on Low Noise Pavements PhD Thesis
20.07.2021, (Relatori: Prof. G. Licitra – Prof. F. Fidecaro).
Fundamental physics with gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers PhD Thesis
29.06.2021, (Relatore: Prof. W. Del Pozzo).
Gate control of superconductivity in elemental BCS systems PhD Thesis
14.06.2021, (Relatori: Dr. F. Giazotto – Dr. G. De Simoni).
Efficient projection-space resolution modelling for image reconstruction in Positron Emission Tomography PhD Thesis
04.05.2021, (Relatore: Prof. N. Belcari).
Neural Network Enhanced Instrumentation For Scalable PhD Thesis
23.04.2021, (Relatore: Prof. G. Sportelli).
Topology and θ-dependence in QCD PhD Thesis
20.04.2021, (Relatore: Prof. M. D’Elia).
Towards Intersubband Polariton Lasing PhD Thesis
19.04.2021, (Relatore: Prof. A.Tredicucci).
Searching for confirmation of charm CP violation in K0 S final states at LHCb PhD Thesis
12.04.2021, (Relatore: Prof. G.Punzi).
Studies of events with a Z or a γ vector boson in associated with a large invariant mass PhD Thesis
29.03.2021, (Relatore: Prof. M.Sozzi).
Search for the Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying into a pair of b-quarks using large-R jets with the ATLAS detector PhD Thesis
23.03.2021, (Relatori: Dr. Fabrizio Scuri – Dr. Paolo Francavilla).
Mutual information, vibrational scaling, short-time dynamical heterogeneity and secondary relaxation in coarse-grained polymer systems PhD Thesis
22.03.2021, (Relatore: Prof. D.Leporini).
Software and theoretical methods for gravitational-wave data analysis PhD Thesis
16.03.2021, (Relatore: Prof. W.Del Pozzo).
Spectral Methods in Causal Dynamical PhD Thesis
16.02.2021, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
Characterisation and mitigation of non-stationary noise in advanced gravitational wave detectors PhD Thesis
26.06.2020, (Relatori: Prof. F.Fidecaro – Dott. G.Cella).
Microcavity resonators and schemes for dynamical control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers PhD Thesis
14.05.2020, (Relatori: Prof. A. Tredicucci – Dott. A. Pitanti).
Geometry control and stabilization of a large ring laser gyroscope PhD Thesis
13.05.2020, (Relatori: Prof.ssa A.Di Virgilio – Prof. F.Fuso).
Analyzing the High Energy Activity of Candidate Blazars to Constrain their Observability through Neutrino Telescopes PhD Thesis
28.04.2020, (Relatore: Dott. A.Marinelli).
Coherent thermodynamics and transport properties of mesoscopic Josephson junctions PhD Thesis
27.04.2020, (Relatore: Dott. F.Giazotto).
The new trigger and data acquisition system for LFV searches in the MEG II experiment PhD Thesis
23.04.2020, (Relatore: Prof. D.Nicolò).
Studies on H → bb decay and V H production with the ATLAS detector PhD Thesis
27.03.2020, (Relatori: prof.ssa C. Roda – dott. P. Francavilla).
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting for multi-component estimations PhD Thesis
18.03.2020, (Relatore: Prof.ssa M. Tosetti).
Baryons and the deuteron as solitons: electric dipole moment and other properties from holographic QCD PhD Thesis
20.02.2020, (Relatore: Prof. S.Bolognesi).
Search for an invisible Z’ in mu+mu- + missing energy events at Belle II PhD Thesis
24.01.2020, (Relatore: Prof. F.Forti).
Magnetopause study by means of a multi-fluid approach PhD Thesis
17.12.2019, (Relatore: Prof. F.Califano).
Microphysics of magnetic reconnection in near-Earth space: spacecraft observations and numerical simulations PhD Thesis
30.09.2019, (Relatore: Prof. F.Califano).
Study and optimization of the IXPE polarization-sensitive detectors PhD Thesis
09.04.2019, (Relatore: Prof. L.Baldini).
Heavy quark interactions in extreme conditions PhD Thesis
27.03.2019, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
Dynamics and thermodynamics in quantum many-body systems: from steady-state properties of open systems to scaling analysis close to quantum transitions in closed systems PhD Thesis
26.03.2019, (Relatori: Prof. D.Rossini – Prof. E.Vicari).
Experimental studies of the blackbody induced population migration in dissipative Rydberg systems PhD Thesis
05.03.2019, (Relatore: Prof. O.Morsch).
Thermal computation and heat harvesting in hybrid superconducting tunnel junctions PhD Thesis
28.02.2019, (Relatore: Prof. F.Giazotto).
From Lee-Wick Models to Quantum Gravity, Fakeons and the Violation of Microcausality PhD Thesis
09.01.2019, (Relatore: Prof. D.Anselmi).
An increasing cooling effciency in fluoridecrystals co-doped Yb-Tm PhD Thesis
18.09.2018, (Relatore: Prof. M.Tonelli).
High Power fibered optical components for Gravitational Waves detectors PhD Thesis
18.07.2018, (Relatore: Prof. F.Fidecaro).
Measurement of the Higgs boson production in the H into tau tau into taulep tauhad decay channel at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC PhD Thesis
05.07.2018, (Relatori: Prof. V.Cavasinni – Dr. A.Quadt).
Noise from stray light in interferometric gravitational wave detectors PhD Thesis
19.06.2018, (Relatore: Prof. F.Fidecaro).
Cosmic-ray electrons and positrons with the Fermi Large Area Telescope PhD Thesis
16.03.2018, (Relatore: Prof. L.Baldini).
Scaling properties of three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensed gases PhD Thesis
05.03.2018, (Relatore: Prof. E.Vicari).
Dissipative and non-dissipative many-body physics with cold Rydberg atom PhD Thesis
16.02.2018, (Relatore: Prof. O.Morsch).
Realistic SM extensions valid up to infinite energy PhD Thesis
09.02.2018, (Relatore: Prof. A.Strumia).
Elasticity and scalings in amorphous solids and thin polymer films PhD Thesis
02.02.2018, (Relatore: Prof. D.Leporini).
The Roberge-Weiss QCD transition and Debye color screening PhD Thesis
01.02.2018, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
Search for di-boson resonances in the semileptonic final state in p-p collisions at p √s = 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector PhD Thesis
29.01.2018, (Relatore: Prof.ssa C.Roda).
Software of Advanced Virgo Suspension Control System PhD Thesis
29.01.2018, (Relatore: Prof. D.Passuello).
Relativistic plasmonics for ultra-short radiation sources PhD Thesis
27.10.2017, (Relatori: Prof. A.Macchi – Prof. F.Pegoraro).
Measurement of the Standard Model WW/WZ production in the semileptonic final state PhD Thesis
07.08.2017, (Relatore: Prof. T.Del Prete).
Self-injection in a moderately relativistic LWFA regime PhD Thesis
18.07.2017, (Relatore: Dr. L.A.Gizzi e Dr. P.Londrillo).
Strategies for high resolution functional MRI at 7 Tesla Optimization of Methods PhD Thesis
18.07.2017, (Relatori: Prof. A.Del Guerra – Prof. M.Tosetti).
Fundamental Models for Composite Dark Matter and Higgs PhD Thesis
23.06.2017, (Relatore: Prof. A.Strumia).
Visible solid-state lasers in praseodymium-doped fluoride crystals PhD Thesis
13.06.2017, (Relatore: Prof. M.Tonelli).
The QCD Phase Diagram at Imaginary Chemical Potential PhD Thesis
22.05.2017, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
Measuring genomic variations associated with bacterial population structure PhD Thesis
04.05.2017, (Relatori: Prof. D.Leporini – Prof. A.Muzzi).
First Principles study of Surfaces and Interfaces PhD Thesis
19.04.2017, (Relatore: Prof. G.Gosso).
Study of magnetic island propagation and evolution in tokamak plasmas PhD Thesis
29.03.2017, (Relatori: Prof. F.Pegoraro – Prof. P.Buratti).
Longitudinal and transverse beam diagnostic using synchrotron radiation at ALBA PhD Thesis
01.02.2017, (Relatori: Prof. F.Cervelli – Prof. U.Iriso Ariz).
Ion imaging at extremely low and extremely high energies PhD Thesis
19.12.2016, (Relatore: Prof. F. Fuso).
Rubidium vapors in high magnetic fields PhD Thesis
13.12.2016, (Relatori: Prof. D.Ciampini – Prof. C.Rizzo).
Cooling effect on fluoride crystals PhD Thesis
21.11.2016, (Relatore: Prof. Mauro Tonelli).
Cerenkov luminescence imaging: a study of its quantitative capabilities PhD Thesis
18.11.2016, (Relatore: Prof.Nicola Belcari).
Controlled dose irradiation with pulsed beams of different ion species PhD Thesis
25.07.2016, (Relatore: Prof.ssa V.Rosso).
Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy of Rare-Earth-Ion Doped Fluoride Crystals: Application to Classical and Quantum Optics PhD Thesis
08.07.2016, (Relatori: Prof. A.Di Lieto – Prof. M.Tonelli).
Online trigger processing for the NA62 rare kaon decay experiment PhD Thesis
30.05.2016, (Relatore: Prof. M.Sozzi).
QCD with external background fields PhD Thesis
26.05.2016, (Relatore: Prof. M.D’Elia).
The Mu2e crystal calorimeter and improvements in the PhD Thesis
10.03.2016, (Relatore: Prof. F.Cervelli).
Quantum quenches in exactly solvable models PhD Thesis
08.02.2016, (Relatore: Prof. P.Calabrese).
Diffusione e levitazione radiativa in modelli stellari di piccola massa PhD Thesis
21.12.2015, (Relatori: Prof.ssa S.Degl’Innocenti – Prof. P.G.Prada Moroni).
Scaling behaviour of quantum systems at thermal and quantum phase transitions PhD Thesis
21.12.2015, (Relatore: Prof.Ettore Vicari).
High Field Plasmonics PhD Thesis
15.12.2015, (Relatori: Prof. G.Lambiase – Prof. A.Strumia).
Few-body interactions in cold Rydberg atoms PhD Thesis
03.12.2015, (Relatori: Prof. P.Pillet – Prof. E.Arimondo – Prof. F.Fuso).
The role of Gravity in the comprehension of the early and late time universe PhD Thesis
30.11.2015, (Relatori: Prof. G.Lambiase – Prof. A.Strumia).
Spectroscopy and laser emission from materials doped with rare-earths PhD Thesis
11.05.2015, (Relatore: Prof. M.Tonelli).
Measurement of the diboson pp->WW+WZ production cross section and limits on the anomalous triple gauge couplings at √s=7TeV with the ATLAS detector in the semileptonic decay channel PhD Thesis
04.05.2015, (Relatore: Prof.ssa C.Roda).
Measurement of the Branching Ratio tau to l gamma nu nubar PhD Thesis
28.01.2015, (Relatori: Prof. M.Giorgi – Prof. A. Lusiani).
Trigger for rare kaon decays searches at the CERN NA62 experiment PhD Thesis
22.01.2015, (Relatore: Prof. M.Sozzi).
The Euclidean Matching Problem – Statistical Physics Methods for Optimization PhD Thesis
15.01.2015, (Relatore: Prof. S.Caracciolo).
Prof. Massimo D’Elia (Università di Pisa)
Prof. Francesco Plastina (Università della Calabria)
Prof. Jamir Marino (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)