XXVIII Cycle (2012-2015)

Leda Bucciantini

Research: Dinamica di non equilibrio in una catena di spin
Thesis: Quantum quenches in exactly solvable models
Supervisor: P.Calabrese
Room: 168
Phone no: 050 2214897

Esther Ciarrocchi

Research: Imaging a luminescenza Cerenkov
Thesis: Cerenkov luminescence imaging: a study of its quantitative capabilities
Supervisor: N.Belcari
Room: 67
Phone no: 050 2214461

Riccardo Faoro

Thesis: Few-body interactions in cold Rydberg atom
Supervisor: E.Arimondo - F.Fuso

Luca Fedeli

Research: Interazione Laser Plasma ad altissima intensità
Thesis: High Field Plasmonics
Supervisor: A.Macchi

Irene Guerri

Research: Struttura della Materia
Thesis: Ion imaging at extremely low and extremely high energies
Supervisor: F. Fuso

Marco Mariti

Research: Aspetti non perturbativi della QCD tramite simulazioni Monte Carlo su reticolo
Thesis: QCD with external background fields
Supervisor: M. D'Elia
Room: 168
Phone no: 050 2214897

Jacopo Nespolo

Research: Comportamento critico di gas quantistici
Thesis: Scaling behaviour of quantum systems at thermal and quantum phase transitions
Supervisor: E. Vicari
Room: 168
Phone no: 050 2214897

Lara Palla

Research: Sviluppo di un sistema per la creazione di fasci ionici a dose controllata
Thesis: Controlled dose irradiation with pulsed beams of different ion species
Supervisor: V. Rosso
Room: 144
Phone no: 050 2214317

Gianantonio Pezzullo

Research: R&D for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab.
Thesis: The E.M. calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment: a tool to improve the background suppression.
Supervisor: F. Cervelli
Room: 153
Phone no: 050 2214297

Azzurra Volpi

Research: Optical Cooling effect on Fluoride Crystals
Thesis: Cooling effect on fluoride crystals
Supervisor: M. Tonelli
Room: 17
Phone no: 050 2214544

Zonghan Zhang

Research: Physics and Chemistry of Materials
Thesis: Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy of Rare-Earth-Ion Doped Fluoride Crystals: Application to Classical and Quantum Optics
Supervisor: M.Tonelli/A.Di Lieto
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