Annachiara Albanese
Supervisor: Luana Persano, Andrea Camposeo
Room: 76 Ed. B
Giuseppe Arrò
Research: Kinetic scale turbulence in a magnetized plasma
Thesis: Kinetic scale turbulence in collisionless magnetized plasmas: statistics, energy transfer and coherent structures
Supervisor: Francesco Califano
Francesco Bertucci
Research: Conformal field theories
Supervisor: Alessandro Vichi
Room: 168 Ed.C
Namitha Chithirasreemadam
Research: Mu2e detectors calibration, background studies and search for the CLFV neutrino-less muon-to-electron coherent conversion at Fermilab
Supervisor: Simone Donati
Room: 191 Ed. C
Pietro Conzinu
Research: Theoretical aspects of astroparticle, physics, cosmology and gravitation
Thesis: Echoes from the Early Universe
Supervisor: Giovanni Marozzi
Room: 174 Ed.C
Lorenzo Cotrozzi
Research: Particle Physics
Thesis: Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency with the Run-2/3 data in the Muon experiment at Fermilab
Supervisor: Graziano Venanzoni
Alessio Fiori
Research: Fisica delle onde gravitazionali
Thesis: Characterizing glitches in high-energy pulsars. A Bayesian approach to pulsar timing
Supervisor: Massimiliano Razzano
Alessio Franchi
Research: Conformal Field Theories
Thesis: Interplay between local and global symmetries in critical lattice systems with matter fields
Supervisor: Ettore Vicari
Room: 168 Ed.C
Federico Lavorenti
Research: Global modelling of Mercury's outer environment to prepare Bepi-Colombo
Thesis: Kinetic plasma simulations of Mercury’s magnetosphere to prepare BepiColombo
Supervisor: Francesco Califano
Manuel Naviglio
Research: Lattice gauge theories
Supervisor: Massimo D'Elia
Room: 167 Ed.C
Stefano Rinaldi
Research: Astrofisica extragalattica e cosmologica
Thesis: Bayesian non-parametric methods for gravitational-wave astrophysics
Supervisor: Walter del Pozzo
Room: 70 Ed.C
Francesco Russo
Research: Conformal Field Theories
Supervisor: Alessandro Vichi
Room: 167 Ed.C
Dario Sauro
Research: Teorie della gravitazione
Thesis: Symmetries in Metric-Affine Gravity: when Cartan meets Weyl
Supervisor: Omar Zanusso, Roberto Percacci
Room: 174 Ed.C
Camilla Scapicchio
Thesis: Implementation and optimization of explainable and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the analysis of radiological images
Supervisor: Maria Evelina Fantacci, Emanuele Neri