
Eleonora Ravera

Laurea: Pisa (2022)
Tesi: Characterization of monolithic CMOS pixel sensors for charged particle detectors and for high intensity dosimetry
Supervisore: Maria Giuseppina Bisogni
Stanza: 232, Ed. C

I was born in Carrara in 1996 where I studied until the end of high school; then I obtained both my Bachelor (2019) and Master Degree in Fundamental Interaction Physics (2022) at the University of Pisa, where I got passionate about lab work on detectors. During my master thesis I worked on silicon pixel detectors, in particular I have tested a module of an early prototype of a CMOS Monolithic Active Pixels chip for a future upgrade (foreseen around 2026-27) of the vertex detector of the Belle-II experiment. Moreover, during my thesis, I started looking for the applicability of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (CMOS MAPS) in dosimetry and beam monitoring for FLASH-RT, a new type of radiotherapy which has proved to reduce the side effects on healthy tissues but whose medical applicability is slowed down, among other things, by the lack of suitable detectors. During my PhD I will keep working on the field of research on detectors for radiotherapy, focusing on systems including scintillators.

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