
Krishna Nand Trivedi

Laurea: Kanpur (2022)
Supervisore: Dr. Oliver Morsch
Stanza: 78 Ed. B

I am a PhD student at physical department in university of Pisa. My research field involves the experiments based on interaction between light and ultra cold rubidium atoms. Basically my thesis involves the construction of an array of dipole traps and building a high resolution imaging system. We want to investigate the Rydberg atoms as a platform to develop atomtronic circuits with specific operating conditions and performances both to explore basic science and applications to quantum technology. I completed my masters in physics from Indian institute of technology, Kanpur, India in 2022. Where I worked on the project related to study of Thermo-mechanical squeezing of graphene resonator for sub harmonic parametric drive. Then I joined Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India for a short term research project where I did experiments to measure various properties of Rubidium-87 and Rubidium-85 using spin noise spectroscopy techniques.

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