
Francesco Leonetti

Laurea: Pisa (2024)
Supervisore: Prof.ssa Angela Papa
Stanza: 208, Ed. C

Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by the mathematical rules that govern the Universe, and that is why I attended a scientific high school and then chose to study Physics at University. After the bachelor degree, which gave me the possibility to explore the different branches of the Physics knowledge, I became more interested in elementary particles and how they can be accelerated and transported in order to fulfil several aims. Therefore, in my master degree career I attended both courses regarding the application of particles in medicine (in the context of the so-called Medical Physics), and courses concerning the study of particle accelerator machines and beam transfer lines. Finally, for my master degree thesis I worked on the optimisation and the simulation of the high-intensity beam transport lines that serve two particle Physics experiments involving muon beams, respectively named MEG-II and Mu3e and hosted at the Paul Scherrer Institute, a very important Suisse scientific research centre.

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