
Alessandro Del Pizzo

Laurea: Pisa (2017)
Ricerca: Progetti REPORT e RUMBLE del programma INTERREG tra Francia e Italia sul rumore dei porti.
Tesi: Analysis of Tyre Rolling Noise on Low Noise Pavements
Supervisore: Gaetano Licitra - Francesco Fidecaro


I come from Maiori, a small town on the Amalfi Coast, near Salerno. I attended the Science High School, Liceo Scientifico in Italian, in Amalfi. I moved in Pisa in 2007, in order to study Physics at the local university. In 2011, I obtained my bachelor degree, with the thesis Propagazione delle vibrazioni meccaniche nella pavimentazione stradale, while in 2017 I earned a master's degree in Physics, with the thesis Implementation of a laser profilometer for road texture measurements and its correlation with rolling noise.
My current research is based on the further perfectioning of the profilometer and the development of a new model that relates texture levels and noise emission. I am also studying the possibility to develop railway pads made of rubber crumb from end-of-life tyres.
My main interests lie in experimental physics, especially acoustics and optics; I am fond of any kind of data analysis, electronics and technology. I hope to learn more and more about these topics during my PhD studies.
I love studying languages and cultures: I currently take Chinese classes at the Confucius Institute in Pisa, and have an HSK 3 certification – B1 Chinese level; however, I am planning to extend my knowledge to other languages in the future.
I am also a teaching assistant for the course of Acoustics at the Physics Department, University of Pisa.
During my spare time I practice Muay Thai and boxing. After a hard day's work, a nice video gaming session is more than welcome.
My webpage is always up to date, and provides information about my latest researches.



Pizzo, Alessandro Del

The influence of road surface properties on tyre/road noise: an experimental approach Presentation




Pizzo, Alessandro Del

PET monitoring of proton therapy: an overview Presentation



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