
Pietro Conzinu

Laurea: Pisa (2020)
Ricerca: Theoretical aspects of astroparticle, physics, cosmology and gravitation
Supervisore: Giovanni Marozzi
Stanza: 174 Ed.C


I was born in Nuoro, in Sardinia, on August 1, 1994. I received the scientific high school diploma at Liceo Scientifico Michelangelo Pira in Bitti (NU), a small town where I lived until I started my undergraduate studies on physics. I continued my studies at University of Pisa getting a master degree in theoretical physics (cum laude) focusing my background on quantum field theory and gravity. In my master thesis, supervised by Prof. Giovanni Marozzi, I worked on the formation of primordial black holes in the pre-big bang scenario. My main research interest are theoretical cosmology and string cosmology. Particular enphasis is given to primordial black holes physics and inflationary physics, with the aim to understand better the early universe. Besides physics, my great passion is to play and listen



Conzinu, Pietro

Transplanckian Censorship Conjecture and Inflationary Scenario Presentation

