
Stefano Rinaldi

Laurea: Pisa (2020)
Ricerca: Astrofisica extragalattica e cosmologica
Supervisore: Walter del Pozzo
Stanza: 70 Ed.C


I was born in Livorno in 1996, where I got my technical high school diploma in Electronics and Electrical Engineering. I obtained my Master's degree with honours in Pisa in 2020 defending a thesis entitled “Inference of cosmological parameters from gravitational wave observations” supervised by prof. Walter Del Pozzo.
My research interests focus on the gravitational wave data analysis, in particular on the inference of cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant and the matter density of our Universe and the possibility of investigating the physical properties of gravitational wave hosts.
When I'm not busy with physics, I enjoy a good book and I love playing volleyball.



Rinaldi, Stefano

The acoustic levitation: an example of a nonlinear force in fluid dynamics Presentation

