
Deniz Koksal

Laurea: Imperial College London, UK
Ricerca: Theoretical high energy physics
Supervisore: Stefano Bolognesi
Stanza: 168
Telefono: 050 2214897


I was born in Bursa/Turkey, 1990. I have studied for my undergraduate degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, USA majoring in Physics along with a minor in mathematics between 2009-13. As an undergraduate research project, I have worked with Prof. Steven Errede on the 4-vector decay kinematics of the TTbar dilepton decay. By 09/14, I have received my MSc degree in Physics from Imperial College London, UK. For my thesis, I have worked with Dr. Henrique Araujo on the possibility of a directional kinematics analysis on WIMP detection within liquid noble gas detectors in volumes foreseen for the future generation of the dark matter search. My research interests however focus on theoretical high energy physics, specifically on the foundations of quantum theory, formal aspects of QFT’s and their interface with gravity.



Koksal, Deniz

A Solitonic Approach to Holographic Nuclear Physics Presentation




Koksal, Deniz

MOND: Modified Newtonian Dynamics Presentation



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