Catarina Rua
I finished my degree in 2012 in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics at the university of Lisbon, PT, with the final thesis developed at the university of Cambridge, UK, entitled “Analysis in Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Study and development of image processing techniques”, supervised by Dr. Marius Mada and Dr. Alexandre Andrade. It emphasized on the understanding of inversion algorithms for post-acquired MR images in order to extract meaningful elasticity parameters of the brain.
The following academic year I took part of a research project led by Prof. Paul Fletcher at the Brain Mapping Unit (BMU), department of Psychiatry in Cambridge where our main focus were theories of brain gyrification, namely trying to explain how a brain folds and morphologically develops through life.
From the end of 2013 I was granted a Marie Curie doctoral scholarship at the University of Pisa to work on ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (HiMR initial training network) with the supervision of Prof. A. del Guerra, Prof. M. Tosetti and Dr. M. Costagli. The main ongoing research will be based at IMAGO7 foundation (http://www.imago7.eu) in Calambrone, where the new 7T General Electric MR facility is installed, with collaborations across Europe as part of the HiMR network.
PhD Theses
Strategies for high resolution functional MRI at 7 Tesla Optimization of Methods PhD Thesis
18.07.2017, (Relatori: Prof. A.Del Guerra – Prof. M.Tosetti).
Ultra-high resolution Gradient Echo and Spin Echo BOLD fMRI in the human visual cortex at 7 Tesla Presentation
Detecting brain function with high-field MRI Presentation