
Francesco Artuso

Laurea: Pisa (2021)
Ricerca: Machine Learning applied to Acoustic Physics
Supervisore: Prof. Francesco Fidecaro, Prof. Massimiliano Razzano


I was born in Reggio Calabria in 1997. During High School I realized that I was fascinated by mathematical and physical logic, so that after my Diploma, in 2015, I started to study Physics at Università della Calabria in Cosenza. There I got the chance to deepen my scientific studies, confirming my propensity to theoretical aspects of Physics. Aware of this bent, after my Bachelor Degree in 2018, I moved to Pisa in order to study Theoretical Physics. My Master Thesis concerned the search for UV completeness of Higher-Derivative Quantum Gravity, and a dissertation on the Unitarity Problem shown by this theory. This academic experience in Pisa gave me a theoretical mindset, which now I would like to use in applied physics, following the evolution of my interests. My PhD project concerns the application of Machine Learning techniques to Acoustic Physics, in order to develop an original tool for the automatic recognition of noise sources. Beyond this topic I am also interested in other applications of Machine Learning in Applied Physics, which I hope to experience during my PhD.

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