
Michele Messina

Laurea: Pisa (2021)
Ricerca: Fisica dei sistemi disordinati
Supervisore: Dino Leporini
Stanza: 120 Ed. C


I was born in 1995 in Massa, where I obtained my high school diploma. I started studying physics in 2014 and I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Physics in 2018. The main interests of my last years as a student concerned astrophysics and machine learning techinques: in my Master thesis work, which I presented in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Massimiliano Razzano, I developed an algorithm to detect continuous gravitational waves coming from pulsars with the help of deep neural networks. During my PhD I will employ my knowledge in machine learning to improve the harvesting of energy from marine waves, trying to deepen the features of this not-well known and yet valuable resource.

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