
Giovanni Citeroni

Laurea: Pisa (2022)
Tesi: Electron-electron effective interaction induced by the direct electron-phonon and electron-photon interactions in 2D materials
Supervisore: Marco Polini
Stanza: 122, Ed. C

I was born in Ascoli Piceno, Italy in 1999. Back in high school, I started to take interest in Physics, so after my graduation in 2017 I moved to Pisa in order to study Physics at the University of Pisa. I received a bachelor’s degree in Physics in 2020, and then I decided to continue my study at the University of Pisa, earning a master’s degree in Theoretical Physics in 2022. In my master’s thesis, “Electron-electron effective interaction induced by the direct electron-phonon and electron-photon interactions in 2D materials”, I studied the effective interaction induced by both the electron-phonon and electron-photon interactions in a single-layer graphene within a Fabry-Pérot electromagnetic cavity.

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