
Enrico Lari

Laurea: Pisa (2018)
Tesi: Measurements of the π⁰ → e⁺e⁻γ decay with application of Deep Learning techniques
Supervisore: Marco Sozzi - Gianluca Lamanna
Stanza: 206 Ed. C


I was born in Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba, on February 1992. Then I moved to Cecina (Tuscany) where I attended the scientic high school “E.Fermi”.
In 2011 I started my studies in Physics at the University of Pisa where I got my Bachelor degree in 2015 and Master degree in High Energy Physics in 2018 with a thesis performed in the NA62 experiment at CERN, titled “Study of multi-electron Kaon decays and measurement of the neutral pion dalitz decay form factor and branching ratio”, supervised by Prof. M.Sozzi and Dott. G. Lamanna.
In the meanwhile I attended two summer schools focused on Plasma physics (2015) and Hadron Collider Physics (2017).
In winter 2017-2018 I won a scholarship of INFN to spend a three-moth period at CERN, focused on the subject “Photon identi cation at NA62”.
Besides physics, my interests are in programming languages and sports (especially rugby).



Lari, Enrico

π^0 Dalitz decay and machine learning analysis approacches Presentation




Lari, Enrico

Are the laws of Physics the most general ones? A machine learning approach to face the problem Presentation



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