
Shubhi Parolia

Laurea: Pune, India (2016)
Tesi: Testing lepton flavour universality and activities of phase-II upgrade in CMS
Supervisore: Alberto Messineo - Andrea Rizzi


I was born in Agra (city of Taj Mahal), India. I did my bachelors from Agra and masters from university of Pune with specialization in Astronomy and Astrophysics. I did my masters thesis in 2016, on “Estimation of Performance Parameters for Proposed G-APD based Gamma Ray Astronomy Telescope”, Department of High Energy Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. After masters, I did various projects in CMS detector. My research interest lies in experimental high energy physics and currently I am part of CMS experiment group in Pisa. Would be involved in phase-II upgrade of CMS tracker. Some areas that excite me are di-Higgs searches, beyond standard model physics including searches for dark matter and supersymmetry. I wish to work on machine learning approach in the physics analyses.



Parolia, Shubhi

Gamma Ray Astronomy Presentation



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