
Claudio Puglia

Laurea: Pisa (2017)
Ricerca: Caratterizzazione delle proprietà di trasporto elettrico e termico in dispositivi mesosocopici superconduttori nell'ambito della Caloritronica Coerente.
Tesi: Electric field-effect in Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors
Supervisore: Francesco Giazotto
Stanza: Laboratorio NEST Studio 1.1


I was born in Erice in 1993. I graduated at the Departement of Physics Enrico Fermi of the University of Pisa. My Master thesis dealt with “Phase-coherent Josephson thermal router”, a superconducting mesoscopic device that can guide the heat current through different output with the application of a magnetic field. I won a Ph.D. position at the University of Pisa in November 2017. I’m working with my supervisor, Dr. F. Giazotto, on the characterization of thermal and electronic transport properties in superconducting devices. My main research interests are the superconductivity devices both for the fundamental theory and practical applications and the quantum computation. In my spare time, I love to develop my passions and interests such as playing volleyball, traveling and reading.

PhD Theses


Puglia, Claudio

Gate control of superconductivity in elemental BCS systems PhD Thesis

14.06.2021, (Relatori: Dr. F. Giazotto – Dr. G. De Simoni).


Journal Articles


Paolucci, Federico; Simoni, Giorgio De; Solinas, Paolo; Strambini, Elia; Puglia, Claudio; Ligato, Nadia; Giazotto, Francesco

Field-effect control of metallic superconducting systems Journal Article

In: AVS QUANTUM SCIENCE, vol. 1, no 1, 2019.

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Puglia, Claudio

The electrostatic field can affect a superconductor? Presentation




Puglia, Claudio

Low dimensional nano-system: features and applications Presentation



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