
Camilla Scapicchio

Laurea: Pisa (2020)
Tesi: Implementation and optimization of explainable and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the analysis of radiological images
Supervisore: Maria Evelina Fantacci, Emanuele Neri


I was born in 1993 in Foggia, where I got my Scientific high school diploma at Liceo G. Marconi (mark 100/100 cum laude). I got both my Bachelor and Master degrees in Physics at the University of Pisa. In my master thesis, in the field of Medical Physics, I worked on the optimization and explainability of a deep Convolutional Neural Network classifier for breast density assessment, under the supervision of Prof. Maria Evelina Fantacci. I obtained my MS in April 2020 and my final mark was 110/110 cum laude. My current research interests concern the applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning techniques and computing methods for the analysis of medical images. I worked as research fellow at the Department of Translational Research in Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa on the topic of “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in radiology”. My PhD research will focus on this topic as well.

PhD Theses


Scapicchio, Camilla

Implementation and optimization of explainable and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the analysis of radiological images PhD Thesis

09.02.2024, (Relatori: Prof.ssa Maria Evelina Fantacci, Prof. Emanuele Neri).




Scapicchio, Camilla

Implementation and optimization of Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the analysis of radiological images Presentation




Scapicchio, Camilla

Enhancing Gravitational-Wave science with Machine Learning Presentation



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