
Matteo Archimi

Laurea: Pisa (2015)
Ricerca: Fisica della Materia
Supervisore: Oliver Morsch


I was born in Terni where I lived with my family until I took the scientific high school degree in 2008, then I moved to Pisa to attend University. I took the Bachelor’s degree in General Physics and then the Master’s degree in Physics during which I focused my studies particularly on the field of the physics of matter, condensed matter and atomic physics, laser physics and quantum optics. During my master’s thesis I studied experimentally the mechanical effects of the Van der Waals force on a cluster of highly excited Rubidium atoms prepared in a magneto optical trap. After the degree, I did a placement at the CNR-INO in Pisa where I contributed to the assembling of a new experiment which aims to study atomic condensates of Dysprosium atoms. My research interest is primarily focused on the study of ultracold atomic systems with long range interactions, with applications to quantum simulation.

PhD Theses


Archimi, Matteo

Experimental studies of the blackbody induced population migration in dissipative Rydberg systems PhD Thesis

05.03.2019, (Relatore: Prof. O.Morsch).




Archimi, Matteo

Experimental studies of the lifetimes of Rydberg atoms in cold atomic gases Presentation




Archimi, Matteo

Quantum droplets in semiconductors Presentation



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